Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dias 5 y 6

Quick update about the vegetarian restaurant we went to on Monday: It might be my favorite place in all of Peru. For three soles/one dollar, we got a huge bowl of quinoa soup, a meal of cauliflower, potatoes, and rice in a nice sauce, corn pudding, and mate. What a steal.

Yesterday I went to class at 8:30 AM until around 12:40 PM, which is when we get out for the day. We have a half hour break in between from 10:20 to 10:50 AM, which is time where we can all sit on the patio and warm up in the sun. There is a nice little sandwich shop in the school that sells tea, sandwiches, snacks, and drinks for only a few soles.

After class a few people went and dropped by a pastelerĂ­a for some pastry and then got Indian food for lunch. It was the first time I had Indian food, and it was really delicious, so I plan on getting more when I'm back in the States. We did a little shopping, and then went back to the hostal.

After doing some homework and diarios, a few people went out to dinner at a small pizza place. Pizza is actually really popular in Cusco, so you can find it almost anywhere. It was really good, and we had nice conversation, so I'd say it was a successful night out. A few other people from the other hostal went out to a club, but I'd really much rather hang back and lay low.

Today we got to class, did class like things, and then left the school. We got some delicious lunch for three soles (one dollar) that consisted of quinoa soup (a very popular meal ingredient), and Arroz a la Cubano, which was white rice, which a fried egg on top and fried platanos. Then we did some shopping, where I got some gifts for friends at a really great price (four hats for 15 soles/ 5 dollars) and a gift for my mom. The alpaca hats usually run 12 soles per hat, so I did some good haggling.

Tonight we have a meeting for our trip to Paucartambo tomorrow. Afterwards, a few people and I are going back to that awesome vegetarian restaurant for dinner. Tomorrow we have to be ready to leave by 8:00 AM, so I'll probably just stay at the hostal and do some studying for my exam on Monday.

More entries to come,


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