Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dias 14 y 15 y 16 y 17

It's been a while so here's a recap of the past week:

Thursday: Woke up, went to school, came back, volunteered, came back, did homework, went to sleep.

Friday: Woke up, went to school, came back, volunteered, came back, did homework, went to sleep.


On Saturday (07.24.10) We got up mad early to go look at more rocks. First we stopped at Pikillacta, which started when we found out that these:

giant rock figures that used to be part of a giant canal system. We apparently weren't supposed to be climbing on these, but we did anyway, and I got this:

which is a shot of the canal on the top of whatever it was.

Pikillacta is the location of the ruins of a Pre-Incan empire known as the Wari Empire.

I was really bored and felt really sick here, so it was a definite snoozefest. After way too much time there, we left for:

Tipon is another arqueological site that is famous for its fountains and typical Incan architecture.

While we were here, we arranged to have some time with:

a shaman who did a special ceremony for us and told our futures. There was a lot of coca leaves, weird smelling oil, and a few playing cards. I got a Jack of Clubs, and he asked me if anyone had said goodbye to me and that they loved me, and I said yes. And then he went on to someone else. I'm not really sure what that means, so I'll just take it as a sign of good things to come.

Afterwards we went to lunch at La Hacienda de Tio Juan, where Tio Juan actually came riding up the hill on his black horse and gave everyone shots of anise liquor. There was also a trampoline, hammocks, and a volleyball net, which is the equivalence of Peruvian heaven.

We had the option of getting our fortunes told by another shaman, but I headed back to the hostal instead and got some rest.

Sunday: our FREE day

Sunday was the first free day we had since we've been in Peru. Basically, I slept in, then went shopping. It was a great day.

More blah blah to blah,


1 comment:

  1. Well, duh, everyone said goodbye to you and that they love you! Does this guy work for tips? Keep updating, I love it! MOM
